Affiliate Sales Scheme - How does it work?

We are keen to work with partners who can extend our reach to potential customers in the DIY sector and also to garden, landscape and building contractors. We pay generous commissions and it takes just 5 minutes to get set up and to start adding your first affiliate links into your websites and social media. 

  • Step 1: Create an account on our website (if you haven't already done so)
  • Step 2: Log in
  • Step 3: Click on the menu Your account -> Affiliate (this menu is only displayed under the Login tab once you're logged in)
    To activate your account first select the Yes radio button, then click Apply.  Enter your paypal e-mail address, click Apply.  You will see the orders achieved via your affiliate ID, etc. in this section and you can download from a selection of pre-prepared banners.
    This page is your central place to keep track and manage all your activities on our site.
  • Step 4: Add a link to our website on your website, or in social media posts, including your affiliate ID (you'll find this in your affiliate area).
    Replace "{your_affiliate_id}" with your own affiliate ID (the example downloads in your affiliate area already display the link with your own affiliate ID)
  • Step 5: You don't have to do anything else, you're done! Just sit back and earn some extra income through our Affiliate program !

Generous Commission

Our Affiliate program will detect each click generated by your affiliate ID and store a cookie in the visitor's computer.
If the visitor makes a purchase within 30 days of the first click, you'll get your share of the sales revenue! 

Repeat Customers

On first purchase the customer will also be associated with your Affiliate ID so that, if they return to our website in the future, log in and make subsequent purchases, your commission account will automatically be credited.

We keep track of the most recent clicks and you can see them in your own affiliate area (it's an easy way to make sure the link you added on your website is working properly).

How much will you get paid?

You will get 12.5% of the sales revenue for each of our products you manage to sell.  This applies to all our products sold at standard prices (orders purchased using special coupon discount codes, carriage and VAT are excluded)*.

* Where regular return trade customers are developed by our affiliates, special arrangements for customer discounts and commission rates can be negotiated. Contact us when required.


How will you get paid?

For the moment, we normally pay our affiliates via PayPal.  If you cannot receive money using a PayPal account, please contact our team to find an alternative solution.


When will you get paid?

We allow customer returns with a money-back guarantee, so we do not pay sales commissions until 30 days after an order is shipped.

We apply a minimum payment amount, which is £75 (GBP), so you have to accumulate commissions until you reach this minimum however, with average order sizes running into three figures this is easily achieved. 

You can use our contact form to request the payment of your commissions at any time once the minmiun earnings figure is achieved. If you meet the requirements written above, our team will process the payment (working days only) to the PayPal email address you specified in your affiliate program page.


A N Other registered on and added a link on his website: (affiliate ID is 62).

An end user visits A N Other's website and clicks on this link - our affiliate program adds a cookie to keep A N Other's affiliate ID for 30 days.

The end user browses the quantumrubber website, then leaves the website to go and measure up and plan their project requirements (A N Other's affiliate ID remains in the user's browser cookies!).

10 days later, the end user comes back, goes directly onto and buys product totalling £300.

A N Other's affiliate ID is still in the cookies, so £45 is added to his affiliate account (which will be confirmed 30 days later if the end user does not request a refund).  The buyer also get associated with the Affiliate ID so that you will earn commissions on any subsequent orders they place.

Over a few days or weeks, several visitors do the same thing and now A N Other's affiliate account has accued over £75, so payment to their paypal account can be made.


Terms & Conditions

By joining our Affiliate Program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree with the terms and conditions.

Quantum Rubber Limited reserves the right to add, delete and/or modify any of the terms and conditions in this Agreement, at any time and at its discretion alone, by posting a notice announcing a change or a new agreement on the website. Affiliates will also be notified by email. If you do not wish to accept a particular amendment, you can opt to terminate the agreement and your participation in the Affiliate Program. Your continued participation in the Affiliate Program, following notice of a change or a new agreement on the website will automatically constitute acceptance of the changes.

Your obligations

You must use the Affiliate Program in a manner that demonstrates common sense and respect for the rights of Quantum Rubber Limited and third parties.
You may not use our Affiliate Program on a website promoting sexually explicit material, violence, any kind of discrimination or illegal activities.
Any kind of advertisements causing damage to our name or products are prohibited.
Activities such as Spam, unwanted commercial e-mails, posting in inappropriate newsgroups or forums (non-commercial for example) are also prohibited.
You may not advertise in any way that effectively conceals or misrepresents your identity, your domain name or your return e-mail address.
You should not make any claims regarding product performance or capabilities, other than as indicated in the website.
You may not use our affiliate program on any website url that contains all or part of our products' name, company name or web site name.
You may not advertise our products in any way presenting fake deals or other promotions to lure customers by promising discounts or deals which do not exist.

If in any doubt about the above and whether a proposed use of your affiliate link may be questioned, please contact us to discuss and get approval.


Fraud or Misuse

At its discretion alone, with or without notifying you, Quantum Rubber Limited reserves the right to terminate this agreement and your participation in our affiliate program immediately if you commit fraud in your use of our affiliate program, or if you abuse this program in any way. If such fraud or abuse is detected, will not be liable to you for any commission arising from sales achieved in this manner.


If for any reason Quantum Rubber Limited decides to discontinue the Affiliate program we will notify this by a posting on the website and by email to registered Affiliates.  In such an event, or if an affiliate decides to terminate their involvement in the program, any commissions due on orders already in the system or which become due as a result of new orders received via the 30 day cookies, will be paid in full in line with our standard terms. Retained customer connections to individual Affiliate IDs will be deleted on termination.

Quantum Rubber Limited
4 Lees Mill, Shuttle Fold
West Yorkshire BD22 8RB.
